Ignition tester for RGV VJ22 and all RS250 Aprilia (Battery (9V) not included)Can be made to work with VJ21 with a small modification, let me know if it is for a VJ21 and I will modify before dispatch.
Spoof rev signal into cdi to test:
Power-Valve positioning and servo operation
Menu Options:
Pulse Width
Trig Width
Cyl Firing angle
Auto off
RGV/RS250 settings supplied
As used by TTW in the workshop - makes power-valve adjustment much more accurate and enables you to hear the solenoids operating etc. Used in conjunction with the Suzuki service manual it is very easy to identify TPS or solenoid problems or confirm working normally.
Risk of electric shock: Testing spark/plugs coils can be dangerous and TTW accepts no responsibility for how you use this testing kit.
A must for anyone who likes to properly maintain their own RGV/RS.